Al-Mundzir Al-Muntazhar

Birth Announcements

Adik Zuhayr is Coming Soon!

December 24, 2008

Gara-Gara Kamu

Gara-Gara Kamu….

Gara-gara Kamu..

Kehadiranku dipersia

Keperihatinanku diperlekeh

Gara-gara kamu

Aku hilang arah tuju

Hidupku tak menentu

Peribadiku lesu

Duniaku kelabu

Gara-gara kamu

Aku kehilangannya

Cintaku tak bermakna

Gara-gara kamu

Kehidupanku terumbang-ambing

Impianku hening

Kepalaku pusing

Fikiranku runsing

Gara-gara kamu

Hidupku kalut

Bicaraku melalut

Akalku kusut

Segalanya karut

Gara-gara kamu

Aku sepi

Gara-gara kamu


Gara-gara kamu

Umm zuhayr

23 : 02

15th Dec 2008

November 9, 2008

Seeking Allah’s Forgiveness

Seeking Allah’s Forgiveness

by Ahmad Farid

Forgiveness is being shielded from the harmful consequences of wrong actions, and the veiling of them. Seeking forgiveness is mentioned again and again in the Qur’an, and in some places it is a command, as in His saying, Glorious and Exalted is He:

"And seek forgiveness of Allah; surely Allah is Forgiving, Compassionate."

(Qur’an 73:20)

In other places, Allah praises those who seek his forgiveness, as in the ayat:

"And those who pray for forgiveness in the early hours of the morning."

(Qur’an 3:17)

In other places, Allah tells us that he forgives those who ask for His forgiveness, as in ayat:

"And whoever does evil, or wrongs his own soul, but afterwards seeks Allah’s forgiveness, will find Allah is Forgiving, Compassionate."

(Qur’an 4:110)

Seeking forgiveness is frequently associated with repentance, in which case it takes the form of asking for forgiveness with the tongue. Repentance is turning away from wrong action with both heart and body. Seeking forgiveness is similar to supplication in that Allah, if He so wishes, responds to it and forgives the person who seeks His forgiveness. This is especially true if the du’a (supplication) came directly from a heart troubled by wrong actions, or if it was made during the times most favorable for His response, such as in the early hours of the morning or immediately following the prayer.

It has been transmitted that Luqman once told his son, "O my son, make it a habit for your tongue to utter the words, ‘Forgive me, o Allah’ for there are certain times during which Allah will not disappoint a servant who calls on him."

Al-Hasan said "Ask for Allah’s forgiveness frequently- in your homes, at your tables, on your roads, in your markets, at your meetings, wherever you are. You never know when you will be granted His forgiveness.

Abu Huraira reported that the Prophet (saws) said:

"I swear by Allah that I supplicate for Allah’s forgiveness and turn to Him in repentance more than seventy times a day."

Al-Bukhari,kitab ad-Da’awat 11/101

Abu Huraira said, "I heard the Messenger of Allah (saws) say, ‘A servant committed a sin and he said, "O Allah, I have committed a sin, so forgive me." Allah said, "Does my servant know that he has a Lord who forgives sins and helps him? I forgive my servant." After some time, the man committed another sin so he said, "O my Lord, I have committed another sin, so forgive me." His Lord said "Does my servant know that he has a Lord who forgives sins and helps him? I forgive my servant." After some time the man committed yet another sin so he said. "O my Lord, I have committed another sin, so forgive me." His Lord said, "Does my servant know that he has a Lord who forgives sins and helps him? O servant do what you like, I have granted you forgiveness."

Al-Bukhari, kitab at-Tawhid, 13/488; Muslim

Allah Exalted is He, said this three times.

This means that the man was granted forgiveness because he continued to seek Allah’s forgiveness each time he committed a sin. It appears that this is applied so long as his seeking forgiveness was not accompanied by the intention to repeat the sin again afterwards.

Aisha, May Allah be pleased with her, said:

"It is a fortunate person who (on the Day of Judgement) finds in his record many du’as (supplications) for forgiveness."

In other words, seeking Allah’s forgiveness is a cure for all wrong actions.

Qatada said:

"This Qur’an guides you to the recognition of your illnesses and to their remedies. Your illnesses are your sins and your medicine is seeking Allah’s forgiveness."

Ali ibn Abi Talib, may Allah be pleased with him, said:

"Allah does not inspire seeking forgiveness in any servant whom he wishes to punish."

Reference: The Purification of the Soul

October 20, 2008

يا حِبّي


في الصباح المنوّر المبتل، تربّعت في أطراف الدنيا، بعيدا من أصوات المدينة المزعجة مخافة إلى أن تخترق جهاز سمعي. أشكر الله شكرا جزيلا على نعمه التي مُنَّت عليّ, فصدق من قال القول:" مَنْ مُنَّ مِنْ مَنِّ مَنَّ المنان عليه, فعليه بالشكر". إنما النعم تهدى إلينا لتسهيل أمور حياتنا وهي الامتحان اختبارا لدرجة إيماننا، ويقول الله سبحانه وتعالى:" لئن شكرتم لأزيدنكم ولئن كفرتم إن عذابي لشديد"
التفتُّ يمينا فوجدت الإنسان الذي يؤثر في حياتي تأثيرا. هو مالك قلبي شريك حياتي, وهو مصباح ليالي، منيرلدرب حياتي مضيء إناء علمي. هو مصنع العلم لي، يعطيني نورا كأنه البدر يضيء ظلمة الليل. مشيته كهمس نسيم الصباح. تبرّد وتنضّر وجهي وذهني كل وقت دون توقّف. بعيد عنه التعاسة، وقريب منه السعادة. هو حبيبي ليس يعدله حبيب، وليس لسواه في قلبي نصيب، وهو لم ولن يغيب عن فؤادي أبدا. مجيئه دواء الهموم، ولقاءه شفاء الغموم. كلامه يحمل المجد، وذكاؤه بّلور الأمة، لمحته تفرج الكرب. وقيل في الحب:" الحب هو قطرة ماء في صحراء جرداء، أو شمعة في ظلام دامس، أو وهم لدى الذين لا يعرفونه...ه

يا زوجي المحبوب، لك حُبّي، وفيك جنّتي

إلهي يا خالق العالمين. سبحان خالقنا العظيم، سبحان من رفع السماء بغير عمد، القادر الفرد الصمد، بارِكْ له حياته مباركة. إلهي أنت الهادي للعباد، فوفقه إلى طريق الرشاد. إن الحمد والشكر العظيم لك وحدك على نعمك العظيمة، وأسألك يا رب العالمين دوما أن تحفظه من كل سوء وبلاء، وأن تديم نعمك الظاهرة والباطنة، وأن تمنّ علينا بالساعات الحلوة طوال معيشتنا.

July 11, 2008

Welcoming all of you...

Salamullahi 'alaykum wa rahmatuhu wa barakatuh....
Umm Zuhayr will begin her words with Allah's name, the most merciful and the most gracious..Ahlan Wasahlan..wa marhaban umm zuhayr's blog with hoping that this blog will be useful for you..
Umm Zuhayr welcoming any comments and critics especially when dealing with her language in every post that'll be published..
Glad to know you!
سلام الله عليكم ورحمته وباركاته
تبدأ أم زهير كلامها بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
أهلا وسهلا ومرهبا بكم إلى مدونتها الجديدة
لعلها تفيد جميع الزوار والمدونين والمدونات المهنيين
ترجوأم زهير كل رجاءً النقد منك - يا الزائر والزائرة - على مقالاتها العربية من جوانب أسلوب اللغة ومفرداتها